Magallanes European Equity, FI

Magallanes European Equity’s investment horizon is mainly focused on companies listed in Europe, not excluding other OECD countriesInvestment horizon > 5 years.

Investment philosophy

Open-ended Fund actively managed under Value Investing principles, investing in companies trading below long-term fundamental value.

Its investment horizon is mainly focused on companies listed in Europe, not excluding other OECD countries. Companies can be in any sector, and be high, medium or small capitalization companies. Investment universe includes companies with medium- and long-term growth potential, following financial and non-financial or ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria.

Objective: to preserve and increase the capital generating higher returns than the market in the long-run.

Key details


International Equity

CNMV registration code


Fund type




Recommended investment term

>5 years



Management company

Magallanes Value Investors, S.A. SGIIC


CACEIS Bank Spain, S.A.U.


Deloitte, S.L.


Article 8

Investment fee


Redemption fee


Historical performance

1M 1Y YTD Since inception
Class M
- - - -
Class P
- - - -
Class E
- - - -

Historical annual returns

2015* 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Class M 3,47% 12,89% 19,53% -19,18% 21,48% -3,30% 23,49% 4,94%
Class P 4,23% 13,45% 20,12% -18,78% 22,10% -2,81% 24,11% 5,47%
Class E 4,29% 14,31% 21,02% -18,17% 23,01% -2,08% 25,04% 6,26%

* Class M: since 27/01/2015, Class P: since 29/01/2015, Class E: since 09/01/2015

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. All performance data are based on net performance and take no account of fees charged when units are subscribed or redeemed. The value of investment and its returns may fluctuate over time and the investor may not get back the amount invested. Future performance is subject to taxation which depends on the personal situation of each investor and which may change in the future. This information does not imply any recommendation or offer to subscribe shares. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectus, KIID and other relevant information in this website and at CNMV.

Net Asset Value at -

Magallanes European Equity - Class M

ISIN: ES0159259011

Magallanes European Equity - Class P

ISIN: ES0159259029

Magallanes European Equity - Class E

ISIN: ES0159259003